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License management

The license management screen shows your active license of CogTL, or how many days are still available for your trial period.

Request a new license

In the process of requesting a new license (please refer to our online documentation at, you must obtain a license request code to provide to Cognitechs sales team. This code uniquely identifies your installation of CogTL and Company.

To obtain a license request code, click on the button Obtain a new license request code, enter the name of your company (that will be included in the license), and then click on Get code. You may then copy/paste the code that you obtain in your license request.

Install a new license

To install a new license, just paste the code that you will have received from Cognitechs in the input field New license and press Install license.

Warning: When you install a new license, your old license is overwritten and you cannot cancel the operation. However, if you have kept your old license code, you can also re-install it.